01 oil gas icon greyOIL & GAS

The Oil & Gas industry presents several applications where fiber optic sensors represent the first choice in terms of control and monitoring operations, especially considering their intrinsic tolerance to the harsh environments and EM compatibility…border title intro

02 power icon greyPOWER

The electromagnetic compatibility plays a key role for a diagnostic system in the power industry. Fiber optic sensors are able to carry out the task excellently, e.g. in monitoring the quality of the cable insulation or of the occurrence of partial discharges...border title intro

03 transportation icon greyTRANSPORTATION

The assets of the railways or of the highways, existing or newly built, can be effectively monitored with both punctual and distributed fiber optic sensors, with dynamic capabilities and over long distances, with excellent long-term performances...border title intro

04 civil engineering icon greyCIVIL ENGINEERING

The civil engineering industry can greatly benefit by the fiber optic sensors, thanks to of their long-term stability, their capability to be embeddable and their long sensing range, suitable for large infrastructures…border title intro


INFIBRA TECHNOLOGIES was established in 2014 by a group of researchers, highly skilled in fiber optic sensors technologies. A real industrialization of fiber optic sensors in Energy, Oil & Gas, Transportation and Civil Engineering is our goal, through solutions even suitable for harsh environments, such as ATEX or high-temperature zones. Our approach is listen to the customer and meet its requirements, in terms of technical and business support, contributing to the diffusion in industry of new technologies of sensing.


INFIBRA TECHNOLOGIES provides a wide range of solutions for monitoring essential parameters in many industrial applications, with both Fiber Bragg Gratings and distributed fiber optic sensing technologies. From the sensors to the reading units, we designs reliable and customer tailored monitoring systems using proprietary fiber optic sensors technology as well as engineered solutions derived from our strong collaborations with industrial partners and research centers.



The next way of sensing


INFIBRA TECHNOLOGIES Srl is engaged in designing and manufacturing of next-generation fiber optic sensors systems, while also offering engineering services. Energy, Oil & Gas, Transportation and Civil Engineering are our target markets, with solutions even suitable for harsh environments. Monitoring of temperature, vibration, deformation, or other chemical-physical parameters through a single optical fiber are our typical applications and FBGs, Raman, Brillouin and Rayleigh are our technologies.

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  Via Emilia 323/A, Pisa, 56121  -  VAT 02134410501
  +39 050 7917951

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