After 18 months, our Project FOSSS, co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR Toscana FESR 2014-2020, ends successfully. The project was intended to develop our company organization, in order to face the market of fiber optic sensors.

INFIBRA TECHNOLOGIES Srl is engaged in designing and manufacturing of next-generation fiber optic sensors systems, while also offering engineering services. Energy, Oil & Gas, Transportation and Civil Engineering are our target markets, with solutions even suitable for harsh environments. Monitoring of temperature, vibration, deformation, or other chemical-physical parameters through a single optical fiber are our typical applications and FBGs, Raman, Brillouin and Rayleigh are our technologies.
Via Emilia 323/A, Pisa, 56121 - VAT 02134410501
+39 050 7917951